We're Opening a DIY Studio!
Did you guys catch my live Facebook video earlier this week?
If you don't have time...I'll spill it here...WE'RE OPENING A DIY STUDIO! It has literally been a dream come true of mine! I NEVER, EVER in a million years thought I would own a storefront. As I say on the video, I always thought it wasn't possible. My husband's in the military, we move every 3-4 years, he deploys a lot, I have young kids...the list goes on. Some may say I'm even crazy, but I believe that sometimes you just have to be a little crazy
I posted this the other day and it couldn't be any more perfect!

I literally had no idea what I was doing when I passed the commercial space and saw the "for lease" sign. My first thoughts were "gosh that would be an amazing spot" and then that turned into.."could I?" "no...no way...wait...yes...I could...right?!"
The chatter in my head was constant and I just kept thinking, I have no idea what I'm doing, but by golly, I will figure it out . I can make this work, I know I can!!!
So we prayed and prayed and met with all kinds of lawyers, advisers and more and decided in the end we would only regret the chances we don't take!
So, here is a photo of me and my new business partner who is leaping with me and we're opening a brand new DIY studio! Kim is the business brains of the operation, she has a Bachelors in Business Management. She is a great friend, a fellow military spouse and makes a great teammate! (If you are considering going into business with a friend, make sure its someone you work well with and someone who balances you out!) I hate the business side of things (like most creatives) but Kim is so great at that aspect and organizing! I'm so excited to have her as a partner!

I'm all a ball of emotions as we watch the contruction take place but I want to encourage you that if there is something that's a dream of yours, don't ever doubt yourself or let someone else speak doubt into you. YOU know what you want and you have the power to make that dream a reality! If I can do it, you can. I promise!
P.S. If you want to follow along on our construction and watch the fun, follow us on Facebook!
Dream Big,
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