Painted Doormat Tutorial + Free Cut File!
So y'all have seen the cute personalized doormats and the witty sayings everywhere right? You want to try your own now but not sure where to start?! Don't worry! I have you covered!!!

Like my crazy self I got the bright idea to facebook the whole expereince LIVE, crazy? You bet cha!! I had NO IDEA if it was going to work or not!
Here is the facebook live in case you missed it!
Supplies I used are here
Stencil Brush (I prefer the ones with bristles)
Oramask 811 or 813
Silhouette Cameo (to cut your stencil)
And Here is a short 1 minute video I made.
I'm going to do a more elaborate step by step for the transfer but...I'm all out of doormats!!
Back to home depot...btw...this is so me right now....

So I wanted to give you guys the FREE cut file so you can make one yourself (remember this is Adele's famous lyrics, so personal use only, don't go selling these bad boys)
Download the Silhouette Studio file HERE
Download the SVG file HERE
Happy Painting!!! .