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How to change the default text from outline to solid fill in Silhouette Studio

To the veteran silhouette user this may be something you have known forever but to many it's something quick and easy that will help you out tremendously!!

The default setting in Silhouette studio is to show you the outline while you are typing. The reason they do this is that it's a CUTTING machine so it's showing you where the machine will be cutting the outline. Some people prefer this but for me I like to have my designs filled in as I have more of a creative eye and like to see what it will look like completed.

Now you can always fill in with color to see your design filled in but that's just an extra step.

Here is what you'll do.

Go to your main screen click the top right gear, then select defaults, then solid fill.

Here is what it will look like and you can see the two differences.

It's a personal preference but I just like solid fill! Which do you prefer?

Happy Creating!!


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